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Get the latest The Legend Of Dragoon cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, hints, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for PlayStation (PSX). has all you need to win every game you play!

Use the above links or scroll down see all to the PlayStation cheats we have available for The Legend Of Dragoon.


Paste these codes on your CHEATPOPS.DB. The game comes in 4 files that represents the 4 discs of the original game. Just change the disc ID to the below when you're gonna switch discs. S SLES02965 (Disc 1) S SLES12965 (Disc 2) S SLES22965 (Disc 3) S SLES32965 (Disc 4) Finally, enjoy the cheats: S (Copy paste disc ID number above in here).

Final Fight

  1. I had difficulty installing and using the CWCheats myself, so I decided to make this little guide to help all those like me before. Installing the CWCheats: 1. Plug-in your PSP to your computer, open it, then proceed to the 'seplugins' folder.
  2. Hi guys, Tech James here, For this tutorial, I'll show you how to install the CWCheat plugin on Adrenaline for PS Vita! This video is for educational purpose.

When I got to the final fight I almost had him beaten on my first try I did find out some things you can do according to one of the FAQ's on this site only Miranda can hit only in human forms you can still hit Melbu in dragoon forms personally I had dart, rose, and albert at the time take out the tentacles first I did not do that but I still got melbu in the red and be sure to stock up on healing bresses and angle prayers you are going to need them and if you got the psych bomb X (which it is a repeat item) you can hurt the boss but use the psych bomb X when it is darts turn and one more thing at the final generation when melbu curls up you can still hit him only with the multi-hit items oh and be sure to take out the 2 monsters when melbu curls after he uncurls unload everything you got you do not need to save any items anymore you are at the last boss of the game.

Fighting Lenus

If you are have a tough time with Lenus here are some things you can use to beat Lenus. Make sure you have the heat blade for dart if not go back to the 1st disc area (you will not need to put in the 1st disc). Get the heat blade and give it to dart if any of darts additions are at max use it give dart the bandits ring. Make sure you have rose and albert with you and, of course, make sure their dragoon levels are at least 2 or more and make sure you have healing potions and or bresses and angle prayers when fighting lenus use additions to hack away at her HP I used the dragoons at the last resort when it is darts turn use the special (if you got your party's SP to the max it can go) use darts dragoon addition for it dealt around 500 damage for you I don't know if need be use magic DO NOT USE THE STONE THAT BLOCKS THE EMENY FOR 3 TURN THAT WILL NOT WORK use addition and magic to kill lenus you could be still in dragoon if you beat lenus.

Super Fighter

Itunes 12.2 windows 7 64 bit. Euqip Kongol with bandit ring to have a fighterjust as fast as dart but with very high defenseand attack. The only down side is his Magicdefense sucks

Kongol's Dragoon Spirit (Early) Or Another Way

After you get Kongol on your team go back toLanhan and go see the man that sold you thewater bottle. He will offer you a shining stonefor 100.00.if you buy it Kongol will have hisdragoon sprit.Well u don't need to do it early right? so justdo get it later because if u do that u have towaste your money alot

Final Fight Team

I have already beaten this game once, but I havetried many different teams. At first I tried tohave Rose, but I had to let her go. The team thatworked for me was Miranda (LV. 33), Kongol(LV.39), and Dart(LV.40). Try to use miranda forhealing as much as possible instead of potions.Use LOTS of moon serenade if u have it. Kongol'smagic's are pretty useless, so stick withphysical attacks for him. guard Miranda, herattacks are useless. Do whatever with dart. Inthe 6th generation, if Melbu curls up, DO NOTTRANSFORM! It is basically his version of theDragon Block Staff. Good Luck!

Dead Captin And Four Ghosts

To beat these ghosts easy, you have to turn intodragoon for Dart and another member and attackthe four ghosts with Darts explosion (dragoonmagic attack) and fight the captain with theother two members. Tip:try to kill all 4 ghostswith the captain at the same time.

Free Poison Guard

When you are in the cave on the first disk beforeyou go to bale catch the toad and it will run andturn into a chest open it.

Easy Spirit Points

Find a monster that uses the Physical AttackBarrier, like Screw Shell or Spider Urchin. Keepguarding, so regain HP, until the monster usesPhysical Attack Barrier. When it does, attackwith physical hits ONLY. When the monsterattacks you, go back to guarding. Repeat as longas you like. This will also raise your DragoonLevel.


If you get all 50 star dusts, you can get an itiem called the vanishing stone from Martel. He is found in Bale, Flitz, Deningrad, and Rouge. When you get the itiem go to the Flanval tower near the ice area. At the top of the towers entrence there is a teleporter to the right. Use it and you should eventully run into the evil wizard. Be prepared it's the hardest fight in the game. He can go up to 2-4 times without giving you a turn. My advice, Get people with a high magic defense, and a high physical attack. Don't even think about using magic attacks.

Hidden Quest

On disc three after you defeat Lloyd, return tothe area with the save point and take a ride onthe portal on the right side of the screen. Youwill find the hologram known as the wizard fromthe Dragon Campain. To pass him, collect allfifty stardust and go to Rouge. Find the womanwith a sick child. Give her the stardust and shewill give you the Vanishing Stone. Use theVanishing Stone on the wizard, then enter theportal where he appeared.

Defeating Loyd!

Stock up on a bunch of healings ang a bunch of magic before you fight loyd. If you have a controller w/turbo, use that. Also eqiup anyone you choose to give a instent kill ring to them. So they can heal and revieve a person. Now use all the magic and after that just use your dragoon, not your special. (OKAY) IF he still isnt knockedout that means you need more magic. OR just fight him till he's knocked out!

Getting The Most Of An Attack!

When in a battle with more than one opponentand/or extra places or body parts to attack, trynot to always attack one opponent and/orplace/body part to hit!

Dart's Weapons

Go near places where you can heal (Hotels, Fireflys, Life Water) and get intobattles. You can build your levels and Additions.


Defeat The Caterpillar

To easily defeat the caterpillar, save the pscyebomb for the butterfly stage. During the cocoonstage guard or heal any wounded characters.

Boss Battles

Now, I've had this game for about 4 days, and have played it that much. I'm up to disk 4, luckily, and have figured out some things. One, the 'Turbo' controller thing with the 'X' button, does not work. Two, I would stock up on magical attack items, like Gushing Magma or Flash Hall, and use them FIRST during the battle. Then, I would transform into a Dragoon, but dont transform one of your weaker people into one. Sfa numbers welding. Why? Because, you need someone to heal the others, without wasting MP with Shana/Miranda'sMoonlight, Gates of Heaven, or W Silver Dragon attack. ( But I must say, I just adore that last attack of Miranda/Shana's. ) I would mainly work with Dart, Rose, and Shana/Miranda, with gaining exp. They are the strongest in my party, Mirandacan gain 225 sp per hit with her bow. And yes, Rose is still only gaining sp by the 30...+5 with her whip smack. Rose and Miranda have level 5 dragoons, but I cant seem to get Dart up there. I'm also wondering if he can, or I have to wait..and I know he has to get the Divine Dragoon spirit. I was just so mad that Llyod took it...but anyways, that strategy, with using magic items and then attacking with Dragoons,works the best for me. Try it out!

Fighting The Wiglies In The Judgemet City

To easly defeat the bosses in the judgement citydestroy the bosses in this order ( the girl,Kalbu,and the short dude. ) To make it more fun, makesure Dart is at the max dragoon level and use hisRED-EYED DRAGON magic and use a moon seranade todo it again.

Very Cool Dragoon Spirit!

When you get to the boss of the game, Melbu Frahma, you will start a battle with Lloyd and Dart. You won't be able to use Lloyd because this is like a demo battle. Lloyd will try to kill Melbu Frahma by himself, but he will get killed. The battle will end, Lloyd will say some stuff to you, then he will give you Rose's ultimate weapon, the Dragon Buster, and the Divine Dragon's Dragoon Spirit. You also obtain the ability to use the Divine Dragon's attacks. The Divine Dragon Cannon, and The Divine Dragon Ball. Only Dart may use this Dragoon Spirit, since his original one was stolen by Zieg.

Mystery Person

In the Volcano, look in the background to see aperson walking upstairs.

Summon Dragons

Get at least 20,000 Spirit points for anycharacter and you will be able to summon Dragons.To summon Dragons when your a Dragoon you must beat level 5.

Stronger Magic Item

Note: A controller with a turbo feature is required for this trick. When using a magic item that requires that you press X, enable the turbo for that button and your attack will be much stronger.

Dart's Ghost

When you find the real Emille at the Twin Towersof Fletz, walk around the guard who is at theMain entrance to the castle (without talking tohim). Leave and re-enter the castle. Emille willwalk through the guard, and and he will fallthrough Dart.

Defeating Grand Stone

When you become a Dragoon against Grand Stone(the boss of the Forbidden Land), he counterswith the Dragon Block Staff. Before the battle,get into as many random battles as needed todrain your SP to less than 200. Then, forduration of the battle with Grand Stone, only goDragoon when you have less than 200 SP. This, wayyou'll revert back to normal immediately afteryour Dragoons attack or magic. Grand Stone willnot be able to counter with the Dragon Block Staffbecause you will not be a Dragoon at the time.You can use the trick against Lloyd, but not theDivine Dragon.

Quick Additions For Dart And Rose

Choose the addition you want to master immediatlybefore you battle Michael, the Black Dragoon.Since Michael cannot be hurt unless you hit theweak point, you can keep attacking him withoutharming him. This allows you to use your additionuntil it is at its maximum. This also can be donewith Pots and Blue Birds, but they run away.

Dart's Soul Eater Weapon

You may not like the amount of HP you lose whenblock when you have the Soul Eater equipped. Wellto avoid this, equip the Therapy Ring so that youcan recover the amount of HP you lost.

Faster Kongol

Equip Kongol with the Bandit's Shoes and hisspeed will increase from 30 to 50, making himjust as fast as Dart. His higher defense andattack, not to mention less hits with hisadditions, will make him a suitable character foranyone to use.

Maximum Percentage On Items

Some of the items allow you to determine thierstrength by pressing X button. IF you have acontroller with a turbo feature, enable it andhold X. You will get the maximum percentage, 270%.

Easy Money

Keep playing the Chef aboard the ship to get asmuch money as needed.

Easy Dragoon Levels

Get a Spirit Ring and equip it on a person whoseDragoon you want to level up. Fight an enemy thatdoes not run away. Guard repeatedly. This takes awhile (2000 gaurds).

Hitting Additions Easier

The key to landing your combos from additions isimmediately pressing X when the box turns gray.If you do, it will make it a perfect shot and youcan do more damage to your opponents. If you aretoo slow, you will do less damage. Also, stickwith an addition that you can learn, such asDart's Volcano attack. If you need practicehitting the combos and learning additions, try toencounter enemies in older areas of the gamewhich will give you an advantage over them.

Switching Additions

Do not switch additions all the time. You can getthe one you are on a lot more stronger and withmonre SP.

Restore HP And MP

If you are low on HP or low on MP, stay in ahotel. It will refill your HP and MP.

Restoring From Petrification

Kotor savegame editor. If someone is petrified, you cannot use him/her and transform into a Dragoon in order to heal his/her status. Instead, make sure you always have everyone with maximum SP and are alive. When there is someone that cannot move (make a turn), just use the 'Special' command and the petrify status will be cured.

Healing Without Any Item

Run into a battle. Kill all the enemies except for 1 (it is better to keep the weakest enemy). Just guard until all your HP has returned.


More Healing Per Turn

Equip the Dragon Helmet together with the Therapy. The Dragon Helmet increases your maximum HP by 50% and the Therapy Ring restores your HP by 10% each turn.

Saving Dragoon Power

When you first start out knock out all thetentacles then he will take longer to get to thenext generation but DONT USE YOUR DRAGOON ATFIRST. Then in the first generation transform sowhen he shots one charecter at another it doesmuch less damage and so you can quickly force himinto the next generation. In the 4th generationthis is your chance to heal up with defense, whenhe switches to sun mode if dart has the red DRarmor he can beat on him without taking damagefrom the fire attack, for the moon attack is adifferent story.. In the 7th generation DONT usealot of magic attacks it won't even phase him ifyou use the dragoon you can quickly knock himdown with dart's magic though. Unfortunatly Ihave yet to get past there so your on your own,but if I were you I'd be level 45 or 50 before Itry beating him.

Addition Enhancing

At the underwater place after Rouge, if you get ina fight with the Aqua King's they only usedefense enhancing attacks. You can increaseyour skill when they use physical attackbarrier's, but watch out they almost alwayscounterstrike.

Material Shield

The Material shield is an item that allows you tonullifie physical attacks for 3 turns. This itemis a one shot turn at getting it so payattention. It is located on disc 1 in the blackcastle in Kazas. After you fight Kongol, searchthe stairs around there for the hidden item.Also, if you read this, visit my site,

Final Addition

To get the final addition for all characters except Miranda and Shana, master the previous ones. You will get their 7-hit master combo. Most of them gain SP of over 100 and damage over 400%.

Easy Way to Master Additions

Go to the Forest near Seles. Go to the area where the Merchant was located (with small rabbit-like creatures) and just run around. The battles happen quickly in this area and your opponents are easy to kill.


Easy Experience

If you are at the Phantom Ship, stay there. Run into the blue flames and fight them. You will get experience easily.

Ultimate Wargod

You can buy an Ultimate Wargod in Lohan. It makes your additions perform perfectly without any penalty. It may cost 10,000, which may be very hard to get at this point in the game. However, it makes battles much easier and your Dragoons will still level up.


The following trick allows you to heal without a Mind or Body Purifieron stock. Later on in the game when you have Dragoon Spirits, turn Dragoon and the status will be gone.

Temple Traps

When you are in the temple looking for the Dragoni plant to save Shana on Disc 1, there are several traps set to delay you progress. The first is a number combination -- the combo is 352. Almost directly after that are two statues that must be turned in the correct direction to allow you to reach the top of the stairs. There statues are gold and stone. Leave the gold statue facing the front and turn the stone statue to the left. As soon as this is done, you can run up the stairs to find help for Shana.

Free Water Bottle

When you reach the town of Lohan, you must save Shana. To do this you will need to get a bottle to hold water. After speaking with Dabas, go down the stairs to reach the ground level of the town. When you do this, a merchant will get your attention. He has a bottle, but wants to sell it for an amazingly high price. Keep telling him to take down the price he will eventually offer it for 100g. Select the second choice of '..' and the merchant will give you the bottle for free.

Defeating S.Virage

Wait until it uses up its ten lives. Just make sure all your characters have a high HP before its final attack, which does a lot of damage.

Defeating the Dead Captain and 4 Dead Knights

When you get to the end of the Ghost Ship, you have to defeat the Dead Captain of the ship and the 4 Dead Knights. However, if you kill one of them after a certain amount of time they will come back to life with full health. Get all of the Knights and the Captain to a red health meter. Once they are low enough, use either Dart's Explosion ability or Kongol's Grand Stream and Meteor Strike magic abilities. Also, if you have any of your Dragoon Spirts to level 5 you can use their Dragon ability to make sure they are defeated.

Defeating the second Viarge Boss

You will have to fight a stronger Viarge Boss in the Gravity Breakdown Valley. Take out his left hand (the hand on the right side of the screen) first and he will not be able to do his instant death attack until it returns. After you take out his left hand, concentrate on his head. If his hand comes back, destroy it again. You will win the battle after doing 1,600 damage to his head. Here is a list of how much health each part has:Head: 1600 HPLeft Arm: 320 HPRight Arm: 320 HPBody: 600 HP

Cheap popsicles

Paste these codes on your CHEATPOPS.DB. The game comes in 4 files that represents the 4 discs of the original game. Just change the disc ID to the below when you're gonna switch discs. S SLES02965 (Disc 1) S SLES12965 (Disc 2) S SLES22965 (Disc 3) S SLES32965 (Disc 4) Finally, enjoy the cheats: S (Copy paste disc ID number above in here).

Final Fight

  1. I had difficulty installing and using the CWCheats myself, so I decided to make this little guide to help all those like me before. Installing the CWCheats: 1. Plug-in your PSP to your computer, open it, then proceed to the 'seplugins' folder.
  2. Hi guys, Tech James here, For this tutorial, I'll show you how to install the CWCheat plugin on Adrenaline for PS Vita! This video is for educational purpose.

When I got to the final fight I almost had him beaten on my first try I did find out some things you can do according to one of the FAQ's on this site only Miranda can hit only in human forms you can still hit Melbu in dragoon forms personally I had dart, rose, and albert at the time take out the tentacles first I did not do that but I still got melbu in the red and be sure to stock up on healing bresses and angle prayers you are going to need them and if you got the psych bomb X (which it is a repeat item) you can hurt the boss but use the psych bomb X when it is darts turn and one more thing at the final generation when melbu curls up you can still hit him only with the multi-hit items oh and be sure to take out the 2 monsters when melbu curls after he uncurls unload everything you got you do not need to save any items anymore you are at the last boss of the game.

Fighting Lenus

If you are have a tough time with Lenus here are some things you can use to beat Lenus. Make sure you have the heat blade for dart if not go back to the 1st disc area (you will not need to put in the 1st disc). Get the heat blade and give it to dart if any of darts additions are at max use it give dart the bandits ring. Make sure you have rose and albert with you and, of course, make sure their dragoon levels are at least 2 or more and make sure you have healing potions and or bresses and angle prayers when fighting lenus use additions to hack away at her HP I used the dragoons at the last resort when it is darts turn use the special (if you got your party's SP to the max it can go) use darts dragoon addition for it dealt around 500 damage for you I don't know if need be use magic DO NOT USE THE STONE THAT BLOCKS THE EMENY FOR 3 TURN THAT WILL NOT WORK use addition and magic to kill lenus you could be still in dragoon if you beat lenus.

Super Fighter

Itunes 12.2 windows 7 64 bit. Euqip Kongol with bandit ring to have a fighterjust as fast as dart but with very high defenseand attack. The only down side is his Magicdefense sucks

Kongol's Dragoon Spirit (Early) Or Another Way

After you get Kongol on your team go back toLanhan and go see the man that sold you thewater bottle. He will offer you a shining stonefor 100.00.if you buy it Kongol will have hisdragoon sprit.Well u don't need to do it early right? so justdo get it later because if u do that u have towaste your money alot

Final Fight Team

I have already beaten this game once, but I havetried many different teams. At first I tried tohave Rose, but I had to let her go. The team thatworked for me was Miranda (LV. 33), Kongol(LV.39), and Dart(LV.40). Try to use miranda forhealing as much as possible instead of potions.Use LOTS of moon serenade if u have it. Kongol'smagic's are pretty useless, so stick withphysical attacks for him. guard Miranda, herattacks are useless. Do whatever with dart. Inthe 6th generation, if Melbu curls up, DO NOTTRANSFORM! It is basically his version of theDragon Block Staff. Good Luck!

Dead Captin And Four Ghosts

To beat these ghosts easy, you have to turn intodragoon for Dart and another member and attackthe four ghosts with Darts explosion (dragoonmagic attack) and fight the captain with theother two members. Tip:try to kill all 4 ghostswith the captain at the same time.

Free Poison Guard

When you are in the cave on the first disk beforeyou go to bale catch the toad and it will run andturn into a chest open it.

Easy Spirit Points

Find a monster that uses the Physical AttackBarrier, like Screw Shell or Spider Urchin. Keepguarding, so regain HP, until the monster usesPhysical Attack Barrier. When it does, attackwith physical hits ONLY. When the monsterattacks you, go back to guarding. Repeat as longas you like. This will also raise your DragoonLevel.


If you get all 50 star dusts, you can get an itiem called the vanishing stone from Martel. He is found in Bale, Flitz, Deningrad, and Rouge. When you get the itiem go to the Flanval tower near the ice area. At the top of the towers entrence there is a teleporter to the right. Use it and you should eventully run into the evil wizard. Be prepared it's the hardest fight in the game. He can go up to 2-4 times without giving you a turn. My advice, Get people with a high magic defense, and a high physical attack. Don't even think about using magic attacks.

Hidden Quest

On disc three after you defeat Lloyd, return tothe area with the save point and take a ride onthe portal on the right side of the screen. Youwill find the hologram known as the wizard fromthe Dragon Campain. To pass him, collect allfifty stardust and go to Rouge. Find the womanwith a sick child. Give her the stardust and shewill give you the Vanishing Stone. Use theVanishing Stone on the wizard, then enter theportal where he appeared.

Defeating Loyd!

Stock up on a bunch of healings ang a bunch of magic before you fight loyd. If you have a controller w/turbo, use that. Also eqiup anyone you choose to give a instent kill ring to them. So they can heal and revieve a person. Now use all the magic and after that just use your dragoon, not your special. (OKAY) IF he still isnt knockedout that means you need more magic. OR just fight him till he's knocked out!

Getting The Most Of An Attack!

When in a battle with more than one opponentand/or extra places or body parts to attack, trynot to always attack one opponent and/orplace/body part to hit!

Dart's Weapons

Go near places where you can heal (Hotels, Fireflys, Life Water) and get intobattles. You can build your levels and Additions.

Defeat The Caterpillar

To easily defeat the caterpillar, save the pscyebomb for the butterfly stage. During the cocoonstage guard or heal any wounded characters.

Boss Battles

Now, I've had this game for about 4 days, and have played it that much. I'm up to disk 4, luckily, and have figured out some things. One, the 'Turbo' controller thing with the 'X' button, does not work. Two, I would stock up on magical attack items, like Gushing Magma or Flash Hall, and use them FIRST during the battle. Then, I would transform into a Dragoon, but dont transform one of your weaker people into one. Sfa numbers welding. Why? Because, you need someone to heal the others, without wasting MP with Shana/Miranda'sMoonlight, Gates of Heaven, or W Silver Dragon attack. ( But I must say, I just adore that last attack of Miranda/Shana's. ) I would mainly work with Dart, Rose, and Shana/Miranda, with gaining exp. They are the strongest in my party, Mirandacan gain 225 sp per hit with her bow. And yes, Rose is still only gaining sp by the 30...+5 with her whip smack. Rose and Miranda have level 5 dragoons, but I cant seem to get Dart up there. I'm also wondering if he can, or I have to wait..and I know he has to get the Divine Dragoon spirit. I was just so mad that Llyod took it...but anyways, that strategy, with using magic items and then attacking with Dragoons,works the best for me. Try it out!

Fighting The Wiglies In The Judgemet City

To easly defeat the bosses in the judgement citydestroy the bosses in this order ( the girl,Kalbu,and the short dude. ) To make it more fun, makesure Dart is at the max dragoon level and use hisRED-EYED DRAGON magic and use a moon seranade todo it again.

Very Cool Dragoon Spirit!

When you get to the boss of the game, Melbu Frahma, you will start a battle with Lloyd and Dart. You won't be able to use Lloyd because this is like a demo battle. Lloyd will try to kill Melbu Frahma by himself, but he will get killed. The battle will end, Lloyd will say some stuff to you, then he will give you Rose's ultimate weapon, the Dragon Buster, and the Divine Dragon's Dragoon Spirit. You also obtain the ability to use the Divine Dragon's attacks. The Divine Dragon Cannon, and The Divine Dragon Ball. Only Dart may use this Dragoon Spirit, since his original one was stolen by Zieg.

Mystery Person

In the Volcano, look in the background to see aperson walking upstairs.

Summon Dragons

Get at least 20,000 Spirit points for anycharacter and you will be able to summon Dragons.To summon Dragons when your a Dragoon you must beat level 5.

Stronger Magic Item

Note: A controller with a turbo feature is required for this trick. When using a magic item that requires that you press X, enable the turbo for that button and your attack will be much stronger.

Dart's Ghost

When you find the real Emille at the Twin Towersof Fletz, walk around the guard who is at theMain entrance to the castle (without talking tohim). Leave and re-enter the castle. Emille willwalk through the guard, and and he will fallthrough Dart.

Defeating Grand Stone

When you become a Dragoon against Grand Stone(the boss of the Forbidden Land), he counterswith the Dragon Block Staff. Before the battle,get into as many random battles as needed todrain your SP to less than 200. Then, forduration of the battle with Grand Stone, only goDragoon when you have less than 200 SP. This, wayyou'll revert back to normal immediately afteryour Dragoons attack or magic. Grand Stone willnot be able to counter with the Dragon Block Staffbecause you will not be a Dragoon at the time.You can use the trick against Lloyd, but not theDivine Dragon.

Quick Additions For Dart And Rose

Choose the addition you want to master immediatlybefore you battle Michael, the Black Dragoon.Since Michael cannot be hurt unless you hit theweak point, you can keep attacking him withoutharming him. This allows you to use your additionuntil it is at its maximum. This also can be donewith Pots and Blue Birds, but they run away.

Dart's Soul Eater Weapon

You may not like the amount of HP you lose whenblock when you have the Soul Eater equipped. Wellto avoid this, equip the Therapy Ring so that youcan recover the amount of HP you lost.

Faster Kongol

Equip Kongol with the Bandit's Shoes and hisspeed will increase from 30 to 50, making himjust as fast as Dart. His higher defense andattack, not to mention less hits with hisadditions, will make him a suitable character foranyone to use.

Maximum Percentage On Items

Some of the items allow you to determine thierstrength by pressing X button. IF you have acontroller with a turbo feature, enable it andhold X. You will get the maximum percentage, 270%.

Easy Money

Keep playing the Chef aboard the ship to get asmuch money as needed.

Easy Dragoon Levels

Get a Spirit Ring and equip it on a person whoseDragoon you want to level up. Fight an enemy thatdoes not run away. Guard repeatedly. This takes awhile (2000 gaurds).

Hitting Additions Easier

The key to landing your combos from additions isimmediately pressing X when the box turns gray.If you do, it will make it a perfect shot and youcan do more damage to your opponents. If you aretoo slow, you will do less damage. Also, stickwith an addition that you can learn, such asDart's Volcano attack. If you need practicehitting the combos and learning additions, try toencounter enemies in older areas of the gamewhich will give you an advantage over them.

Switching Additions

Do not switch additions all the time. You can getthe one you are on a lot more stronger and withmonre SP.

Restore HP And MP

If you are low on HP or low on MP, stay in ahotel. It will refill your HP and MP.

Restoring From Petrification

Kotor savegame editor. If someone is petrified, you cannot use him/her and transform into a Dragoon in order to heal his/her status. Instead, make sure you always have everyone with maximum SP and are alive. When there is someone that cannot move (make a turn), just use the 'Special' command and the petrify status will be cured.

Healing Without Any Item

Run into a battle. Kill all the enemies except for 1 (it is better to keep the weakest enemy). Just guard until all your HP has returned.

More Healing Per Turn

Equip the Dragon Helmet together with the Therapy. The Dragon Helmet increases your maximum HP by 50% and the Therapy Ring restores your HP by 10% each turn.

Saving Dragoon Power

When you first start out knock out all thetentacles then he will take longer to get to thenext generation but DONT USE YOUR DRAGOON ATFIRST. Then in the first generation transform sowhen he shots one charecter at another it doesmuch less damage and so you can quickly force himinto the next generation. In the 4th generationthis is your chance to heal up with defense, whenhe switches to sun mode if dart has the red DRarmor he can beat on him without taking damagefrom the fire attack, for the moon attack is adifferent story.. In the 7th generation DONT usealot of magic attacks it won't even phase him ifyou use the dragoon you can quickly knock himdown with dart's magic though. Unfortunatly Ihave yet to get past there so your on your own,but if I were you I'd be level 45 or 50 before Itry beating him.

Addition Enhancing

At the underwater place after Rouge, if you get ina fight with the Aqua King's they only usedefense enhancing attacks. You can increaseyour skill when they use physical attackbarrier's, but watch out they almost alwayscounterstrike.

Material Shield

The Material shield is an item that allows you tonullifie physical attacks for 3 turns. This itemis a one shot turn at getting it so payattention. It is located on disc 1 in the blackcastle in Kazas. After you fight Kongol, searchthe stairs around there for the hidden item.Also, if you read this, visit my site,

Final Addition

To get the final addition for all characters except Miranda and Shana, master the previous ones. You will get their 7-hit master combo. Most of them gain SP of over 100 and damage over 400%.

Easy Way to Master Additions

Go to the Forest near Seles. Go to the area where the Merchant was located (with small rabbit-like creatures) and just run around. The battles happen quickly in this area and your opponents are easy to kill.

Easy Experience

If you are at the Phantom Ship, stay there. Run into the blue flames and fight them. You will get experience easily.

Ultimate Wargod

You can buy an Ultimate Wargod in Lohan. It makes your additions perform perfectly without any penalty. It may cost 10,000, which may be very hard to get at this point in the game. However, it makes battles much easier and your Dragoons will still level up.


The following trick allows you to heal without a Mind or Body Purifieron stock. Later on in the game when you have Dragoon Spirits, turn Dragoon and the status will be gone.

Temple Traps

When you are in the temple looking for the Dragoni plant to save Shana on Disc 1, there are several traps set to delay you progress. The first is a number combination -- the combo is 352. Almost directly after that are two statues that must be turned in the correct direction to allow you to reach the top of the stairs. There statues are gold and stone. Leave the gold statue facing the front and turn the stone statue to the left. As soon as this is done, you can run up the stairs to find help for Shana.

Free Water Bottle

When you reach the town of Lohan, you must save Shana. To do this you will need to get a bottle to hold water. After speaking with Dabas, go down the stairs to reach the ground level of the town. When you do this, a merchant will get your attention. He has a bottle, but wants to sell it for an amazingly high price. Keep telling him to take down the price he will eventually offer it for 100g. Select the second choice of '..' and the merchant will give you the bottle for free.

Defeating S.Virage

Wait until it uses up its ten lives. Just make sure all your characters have a high HP before its final attack, which does a lot of damage.

Defeating the Dead Captain and 4 Dead Knights

When you get to the end of the Ghost Ship, you have to defeat the Dead Captain of the ship and the 4 Dead Knights. However, if you kill one of them after a certain amount of time they will come back to life with full health. Get all of the Knights and the Captain to a red health meter. Once they are low enough, use either Dart's Explosion ability or Kongol's Grand Stream and Meteor Strike magic abilities. Also, if you have any of your Dragoon Spirts to level 5 you can use their Dragon ability to make sure they are defeated.

Defeating the second Viarge Boss

You will have to fight a stronger Viarge Boss in the Gravity Breakdown Valley. Take out his left hand (the hand on the right side of the screen) first and he will not be able to do his instant death attack until it returns. After you take out his left hand, concentrate on his head. If his hand comes back, destroy it again. You will win the battle after doing 1,600 damage to his head. Here is a list of how much health each part has:Head: 1600 HPLeft Arm: 320 HPRight Arm: 320 HPBody: 600 HP

Dragoon Stone Locations

DartYou start with his stone at the beginning of the game but you cannot use it until you defeat Kongol at the Battle of Hoax.Lavitz/AlbertTo get the Lavitz Dragoon stone, you have to defeat the Green Tusked Dragon and the man who turns into the Jade Dragoon. Albert will then inherit the Lavitz Dragoon stone at the end of the Disc 1.Shana/MirandaYou will get Shana's Dragoon stone after getting to the temple and defeating the Bandit. Then answer the questions that the ghost asks you. Miranda will inherit Shana's Dragoon stone on the Disc 3.RoseAfter defeating Kongol at the Battle of Hoax you will get Rose with her Dragoon stone.HaschelYou will get Haschel's Dragoon stone after defeating Emperor Doyle at the end of Disc 1.MeruYou will get Meru's Dragoon stone after defeating the Blue Sea Dragon and Lenus.KongolAfter you get Kongol go back to the City of Loan and walk to where the man who sold you the bottle is located. You will automatically walk up to him. After talking he will sell Kongol's Dragoon stone for 1,000G.

We have no cheats or codes for The Legend Of Dragoon yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

We have no unlockables for The Legend Of Dragoon yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

We have no easter eggs for The Legend Of Dragoon yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

We have no glitches for The Legend Of Dragoon yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

Created by: Jew22.Read the full guide..

Created by: aluminum_wonder.Read the full guide..

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Created by: The Dragoon Demon.Read the full guide..

Created by: Albert the Jade Dragoon.Read the full guide..

Created by: jade1472.Read the full guide..

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Largest CWCheat Database
06-02-2014, 06:08 PM (This post was last modified: 06-02-2014 08:24 PM by barbanium.)
Largest CWCheat Database
I just want to share the largest CWCheat database that I found.
If ever you guys can find a larger one, please post it here and I'll edit the first post with your database.
Cheat.db - Download
Total Games: 1810
Total Code Names: 44322
Total Codes: 130204
How did I know these stats?
with this:
CWCheat Database Editor - Download

Attached File(s)Thumbnail(s)
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Post: #2
RE: Largest CWCheat Database
I'm sure some people will find this useful
♦ Intel Core i7-6700HQ | 16 GB RAM | NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960M | Debian Testing
♦ Intel Core i7-2630QM | 4 GB RAM | NVIDIA GeForce GT 540M | Debian Testing
♦ PSP-3004 | 6.60 PRO-C2
Post: #3
RE: Largest CWCheat Database
(06-02-2014 07:09 PM)vnctdj Wrote: I'm sure some people will find this useful

Thanks dude!
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Post: #4
RE: Largest CWCheat Database
You're welcome
♦ Intel Core i7-6700HQ | 16 GB RAM | NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960M | Debian Testing
♦ Intel Core i7-2630QM | 4 GB RAM | NVIDIA GeForce GT 540M | Debian Testing
♦ PSP-3004 | 6.60 PRO-C2
Post: #5
RE: Largest CWCheat Database
download cheat.db but codes do not work for games like iron man 2 or alien versus predator requiem for example use the option to import cheats from. db but the codes do not work in many games. modifying some codes is that they work, but I do not. I have windows x86. thank you for listening
Post: #6
RE: Largest CWCheat Database
(07-07-2014 01:18 AM)jorgebueno Wrote: download cheat.db but codes do not work for games like iron man 2 or alien versus predator requiem for example use the option to import cheats from. db but the codes do not work in many games. modifying some codes is that they work, but I do not. I have windows x86. thank you for listening

The thing is, these code are made for PSP and NOT for PPSSPP.
I, as well, discovered many codes in this list that don't work for PPSSPP yet work perfectly fine for PSP when using the CWCheat plug-in.
I'm sorry if I caused you disappointment.
Have I been helpful to you in any way, nya?
You can click that '+' button ▼ to raise my reputation, meow!
Post: #7
RE: Largest CWCheat Database
thank you for listening.and quick reply .do not worry.sorry my bad english
Post: #8
RE: Largest CWCheat Database
You da real mvp. Thanks for this!!
Post: #9
RE: Largest CWCheat Database
No problem!
Have I been helpful to you in any way, nya?
You can click that '+' button ▼ to raise my reputation, meow!
Post: #10
RE: Largest CWCheat Database
Forgiveness is possible to create cheat.db for PPSSPP.thanks
Post: #11
RE: Largest CWCheat Database
thx, will try.

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Post: #12
RE: Largest CWCheat Database
hello a when cwcheat new database please?. thank you very much.
Post: #13
RE: Largest CWCheat Database
Add more working Patapon 3 codes! PLS!
Post: #14
RE: Largest CWCheat Database
Can we add cheat codes in MHFU if there are things which are not listed there? It is possible to have new cheats that have not encoded there?


Post: #15
RE: Largest CWCheat Database
Does the CWCHEAT allow you to use the cheats for PS1 games on your PSP as well?
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